Sometimes, The Blessings Come Little By Little

The LORD your God will drive out those nations before you, little by little. You will not be allowed to eliminate them all at once, or the wild animals will multiply around you. But the LORD your God will deliver them over to you . . . until they are destroyed. Deuteronomy 7:22-23.
I can imagine the excitement of the Israelites as they waited expectantly to take possession of the Promised Land. Moses was addressing them for the last time since the reigns of leadership were being handed over to Joshua. He apprised them of the divine plan.
He assured them that God would definitely deliver on His covenant promise: His children would inherit the land flowing with milk and honey. But almost to bring them into reality, Moses added, "The LORD will drive out those nations before you, little by little."
Frankly, after waiting for forty years to possess the promise, "little by little" doesn't exactly sound like music to the ears! I am sure, the Israelites would probably have preferred a mass outright possession of the land. They were probably expecting an immediate overwhelming defeat of their enemies so they could occupy the land. But God had a reason for releasing the blessings "little by little." God knew that the Israelites were not numerous enough to occupy and cultivate the entire Promised Land.
God knew that there were wild animals that the Israelites needed to contend with, not just the human occupants of the land. If all their enemies were immediately killed off, there would not be enough humans to fight off the wild animals and the Israelites would be overwhelmed by the multiplication of those wild animals. That would have been disastrous. So, in His omniscience and manifold wisdom, God purposed to release the blessings, "little by little" for their own wellbeing.
Question: Are you frustrated because God seems to be releasing His blessings on you little by little? Could it be because God wants to ensure that you are actually ready to handle those blessings with strength and maturity? Do you realize that in all things God is working together for your good? Sometimes, God releases His blessings on us little by little because He is our Creator and He knows how much we can handle at any point in time.
If God chooses to bless you little by little, thank Him because He means it for good and never for evil.
He assured them that God would definitely deliver on His covenant promise: His children would inherit the land flowing with milk and honey. But almost to bring them into reality, Moses added, "The LORD will drive out those nations before you, little by little."
Frankly, after waiting for forty years to possess the promise, "little by little" doesn't exactly sound like music to the ears! I am sure, the Israelites would probably have preferred a mass outright possession of the land. They were probably expecting an immediate overwhelming defeat of their enemies so they could occupy the land. But God had a reason for releasing the blessings "little by little." God knew that the Israelites were not numerous enough to occupy and cultivate the entire Promised Land.
God knew that there were wild animals that the Israelites needed to contend with, not just the human occupants of the land. If all their enemies were immediately killed off, there would not be enough humans to fight off the wild animals and the Israelites would be overwhelmed by the multiplication of those wild animals. That would have been disastrous. So, in His omniscience and manifold wisdom, God purposed to release the blessings, "little by little" for their own wellbeing.
Question: Are you frustrated because God seems to be releasing His blessings on you little by little? Could it be because God wants to ensure that you are actually ready to handle those blessings with strength and maturity? Do you realize that in all things God is working together for your good? Sometimes, God releases His blessings on us little by little because He is our Creator and He knows how much we can handle at any point in time.
If God chooses to bless you little by little, thank Him because He means it for good and never for evil.
Prayer: Lord, I know that your plans for me are for my good and not for my evil. Please help me to wait patiently as you orchestrate all things for my good. Amen.