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"Never miss a sermon,!"

"Worship on the go, listening to our Worship Experience!"

"Giving is easy with the RCC APP!"


Watch Sermons

Never miss a sermon again, and share your favorites with your friends! You can play video directly in our app, optimized for all devices.


Tithing and donations made simple. It only takes a few seconds to set up a gift and start supporting God’s work through our church.

Daily Devotionals

Start of your day with the Daily devotional. You can access the devotional and share with so much ease. 

Bible on the Go

Follow  the sermons with a digital Bible right in the RCC app either at home, on the go or  follow along  with Sundays sermons .

Take Notes

Leave your notebook at home? Now you can take sermon notes directly on your phone or tablet.

Register for upcoming events

Never miss an event! Want to attend an upcoming conference? Learn all about our latest events in the app.