Follow the Example of Jesus

"My food . . . is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work." John 4:34
One of the reasons why Jesus was such a successful leader was because He was the greatest of all visionaries. His goal was to win the world for God and He focused on that vision passionately.

To Jesus, accomplishing His purpose on earth was the very food which energized Him. Jesus took twelve uneducated people and trained them to carry out His vision, and 2000 years later the Church of Jesus Christ is still strong. That is the power of vision.

Read this quote about Jesus and ponder it:
"His life was ordered by His objective . . . everything He did and said was part of the whole pattern. It had significance because it contributed to the ultimate purpose of His life in redeeming the world for God. This was the motivating vision governing His behavior. His steps were ordered by it. Mark it well, not for one moment did Jesus lose sight of His goal . . . there was nothing haphazard about His life -- no wasted energy, no idle word . . . He lived, died and rose again according to schedule. Like a general plotting His course of battle, He calculated to win."

Jesus was very focused on His vision and purpose in life.
If God has given you a vision, you must focus on it; work hard and accomplish it. If you don't focus and work hard, that vision will never be accomplished. God will do His part but you must also play your role. God will not do for you what you have to do for yourself.
Let Jesus be your example.

Prayer: Father, I thank you for the vision you have for me. Please help me to follow the example of Jesus so that I can work hard and accomplish it. Amen.