Sleep in Peace

Answer me when I call to you,
O God who declares me innocent.
Free me from my troubles.
Have mercy on me and hear my prayer.
How long will you people ruin my reputation?
How long will you make groundless accusations?
How long will you continue your lies?
You can be sure of this:
The LORD set apart the godly for himself.
The LORD will answer when I call to him…
In peace I will lie down and sleep,
For you alone, O LORD, will keep me safe. (Psalm 4:1-8). NLT
All through his life, David encountered a myriad of problems.
David seemed to be constantly battling trouble. From the moment God anointed him to be king, he found himself running away from Saul, who sought to end his life. Saul had three thousand soldiers hunting down David to end his life. At one point, David's own son rose up to kill him and usurp the throne! David was familiar with trials.

However, it is evident that David had confidence all through his life that God would always protect him. His trust in God was unshakeable!

In this Psalm, it appears David is battling a situation where people were making false accusations against him and ruining his reputation.
But David remained confident that God would vindicate him.
His words are very assuring: "You can be sure of this: The LORD set apart the godly for himself.
The LORD will answer when I call to him."

With that assurance in mind, David concludes by saying, "In peace I will lie down and sleep. For you alone, O LORD, will keep me safe."

Lesson: You can't control what people choose to say about you! You can't control when people set out to ruin your reputation by making false accusations against you. You can't control what others may do to harm you. But there is one thing you can do: You can rest in the assurance that God has set you apart for himself and that He will vindicate you. If you take care of your character, God will take care of your reputation!  So, cast your situation onto the Lord and sleep in peace because He has promised to keep you safe!

Prayer: Lord, I cast all my cares upon you because I know you care for me. Amen.