Be Kind -- Even To The "Undeserving."

Before the spies lay down for the night, she went up on the roof and said to them, "I know that the LORD has given you this land . . . Now then, please swear to me by the LORD that you will show kindness to my family, because I have shown kindness to you.
Give me a sure sign that you will show kindness to my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all who belong to them -- and that you will save us from death."
Joshua 2:8-13
Give me a sure sign that you will show kindness to my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all who belong to them -- and that you will save us from death."
Joshua 2:8-13
In a conversation, I listened as someone reflected over the daily devotional in reference to the role of Rahab. I was captivated by the thought and decided to reflect on it again.
Rahab risked her life to protect the servants of the LORD as they spied the city of Jericho on their divine assignment. Her kindness enabled her to secure divine favor and protection to save her entire family. Not only that, but Rahab also ended up in the divine lineage of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. She literally went from "grass to grace." Rahab went from Prostitute to divine Royalty. That is the grace, mercy, and love of our Heavenly Father. He takes nonentities and gives them a new name. He catapults the despised into positions of prominence.
But that is not how humans treat those at the bottom of society's totem pole. We ignore them and keep them humiliated and rejected. In every society, prostitution brings shame and disgrace to families. Prostitutes are not trumpeted by their families. They are usually left unmentioned in conversations. They are not seen at the Thanksgiving dinner when guests are invited.
Rahab was a prostitute who must have endured the same disrespect from her family given to any prostitute. She would have been an outcast in the community. She would have received reprimands and insults from her family due to the disgraceful trade she plied as a prostitute. But Rehab had a heart of gold. Rehab went to battle for the soul of each family member.
Rahab insisted to the spies: "Give me a sure sign that you will spare the lives of my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all who belong to them -- and that you will save us from death." Rahab showed kindness to those who might have possibly been deriding and rejecting her. God knew her heart when no one else did. No wonder God looks at the heart and not at one's outside appearance. God saw a heart of gold, not the body of a despised prostitute.
Two lessons to ponder: First, we must learn to show kindness even to those who mistreat and disrespect us. Our kindness might be the only means through which God might save their lives, just like Rahab did for her family.
Second: God is no respecter of persons and so we should be no respecter of persons either. The person you disrespect could be the very vessel God might use someday to save you out of a dire situation.
Rahab risked her life to protect the servants of the LORD as they spied the city of Jericho on their divine assignment. Her kindness enabled her to secure divine favor and protection to save her entire family. Not only that, but Rahab also ended up in the divine lineage of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. She literally went from "grass to grace." Rahab went from Prostitute to divine Royalty. That is the grace, mercy, and love of our Heavenly Father. He takes nonentities and gives them a new name. He catapults the despised into positions of prominence.
But that is not how humans treat those at the bottom of society's totem pole. We ignore them and keep them humiliated and rejected. In every society, prostitution brings shame and disgrace to families. Prostitutes are not trumpeted by their families. They are usually left unmentioned in conversations. They are not seen at the Thanksgiving dinner when guests are invited.
Rahab was a prostitute who must have endured the same disrespect from her family given to any prostitute. She would have been an outcast in the community. She would have received reprimands and insults from her family due to the disgraceful trade she plied as a prostitute. But Rehab had a heart of gold. Rehab went to battle for the soul of each family member.
Rahab insisted to the spies: "Give me a sure sign that you will spare the lives of my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all who belong to them -- and that you will save us from death." Rahab showed kindness to those who might have possibly been deriding and rejecting her. God knew her heart when no one else did. No wonder God looks at the heart and not at one's outside appearance. God saw a heart of gold, not the body of a despised prostitute.
Two lessons to ponder: First, we must learn to show kindness even to those who mistreat and disrespect us. Our kindness might be the only means through which God might save their lives, just like Rahab did for her family.
Second: God is no respecter of persons and so we should be no respecter of persons either. The person you disrespect could be the very vessel God might use someday to save you out of a dire situation.
Prayer: Lord, please help me to be kind even to the "undeserving," just like Rahab did. Amen.