Don't Be Dishonest

Do not use dishonest standards when measuring length, weight or quantity. Use honest scales and honest weights, an honest ephah and an honest hin. I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt. Keep all my decrees and all my laws and follow them. I am the LORD. Leviticus 19:35-37.
God was clear in instructing the Israelites to be honest in their dealings with one another. In this particular instance, God admonished them not to be crooked but to show honesty in trading with one another. They were to avoid defrauding each other by using honest scales and weights as they sold and purchased items.
Again, He reminded them: "I am the LORD, who brought you out of Egypt." In other words, "I am the source of all that you are and all that you have. I know what is best for your life."
There is a statement I repeatedly make to my children when instructing them about how to conduct themselves. I often say to them: "This is for your own good." They have gotten to the point where they now finish that sentence for me. Dad, we know, "this is for our own good."
God's decrees about honesty were for the Israelites own good.
These are days when there is a glaring lack of honesty and integrity in society. Greed causes many individuals, corporations, leaders and government officials to use "dishonest scales" in many different ways. This has led to untold hardships to society as a whole. We have seen many highly-placed individuals go down the tubes because they were dishonest and lied about their activities.
The housing crash in the United States was attributed mainly to the dishonesty of financial institutions in their lending practices. A major automobile company was recently fined billions of dollars for cheating on emission standards set by the government and covering up the lie. These are all instances of the use of "dishonest scales" in society.
God wants you and me, as His children, to exercise integrity in all our ways. We must not resort to the use of "dishonest scales." We must be honest. Honesty gives you peace of mind and safeguards your good name and reputation. It invites the blessings of the LORD.
Again, He reminded them: "I am the LORD, who brought you out of Egypt." In other words, "I am the source of all that you are and all that you have. I know what is best for your life."
There is a statement I repeatedly make to my children when instructing them about how to conduct themselves. I often say to them: "This is for your own good." They have gotten to the point where they now finish that sentence for me. Dad, we know, "this is for our own good."
God's decrees about honesty were for the Israelites own good.
These are days when there is a glaring lack of honesty and integrity in society. Greed causes many individuals, corporations, leaders and government officials to use "dishonest scales" in many different ways. This has led to untold hardships to society as a whole. We have seen many highly-placed individuals go down the tubes because they were dishonest and lied about their activities.
The housing crash in the United States was attributed mainly to the dishonesty of financial institutions in their lending practices. A major automobile company was recently fined billions of dollars for cheating on emission standards set by the government and covering up the lie. These are all instances of the use of "dishonest scales" in society.
God wants you and me, as His children, to exercise integrity in all our ways. We must not resort to the use of "dishonest scales." We must be honest. Honesty gives you peace of mind and safeguards your good name and reputation. It invites the blessings of the LORD.
Prayer: Lord, please forgive me for any ways in which I have been dishonest. Help me to exercise integrity in all I do. Amen.