Stand Up For The Truth

All the other prophets were prophesying the same thing. "Attack Ramoth Gilead and be victorious," they said, "for the LORD will give it into the king's hand."
The messenger who had gone to summon Micaiah said to him, "Look, the other prophets without exception are predicting success for the king. Let your word agree with theirs, and speak favorably."
But Micaiah said, "As surely as the LORD lives, I can tell him only what my God says."
2 Chronicles 18:11-13
King Ahab was anxious to go to war against the king of Aram. He was so impatient to fight that he did not really care about God's views concerning the war. At the insistence of King Jehoshaphat of Judah, he assembled four hundred prophets who falsely assured him that God had promised him victory in the impending battle. Unconvinced about the sincerity of the four hundred prophets, godly Jehoshaphat asked if there was any other prophet in the land whose word could be trusted as truly coming from God. Reluctantly, Ahab summoned Micaiah, a true prophet of God to the palace.

The official, who had been sent to fetch Micaiah, advised him to go along with the lies of the other prophets and assure the king that he would be victorious in the battle. But Micaiah responded: "As surely as the LORD lives, I can tell him only what my God says." Micaiah would not compromise on the truth. He was a principled, truthful and godly servant of the LORD. It is important to remember that speaking the truth in contrast to what the king wanted to hear could have cost Micaiah his very life. In fact, he ended up being thrown into jail because he predicted that King Ahab would die in the battle. He spoke the truth as given by God.

So, question: Isn't it easier to lie and protect yourself than to speak the truth and face the wrath of people who would rather listen to a lie? Isn't it easier to go along with your boss and top management to cover up corruption and incompetence on your job than to jeopardize your livelihood by "blowing the whistle"? What do we gain by standing up as lonely characters who would not be coerced by the powers that be to go along with lies?

You see, lying can get us some short-term gains, favor and even wealth, but it can be deadly in the long run. The Bible makes it clear we reap whatever we sow. So, in the short run, lies can bring us some "benefits" but it is indisputably deadly when the fruit of lies that we have sown start surfacing. Companies have lied about faulty safety issues on their products to save money and lives have been lost in the process. Politicians have lied about various things and societies and nations have been damaged. People have lied about their financial dealings and managed to cover up for years.

But often, the truth comes out and, at the end of the lying, individuals are nothing short of pitiful. In the final analysis: disgrace, family destruction, imprisonment, plea bargains, financial and reputational ruin becomes the lot of liars. We see it in the news all the time.
So, are you being tempted to lie or cheat? Don't fall for that deception. Be godly. Speak and live by the truth. Have nothing to do with the foul spirit of lying. Stand up for the truth and you will never regret it. It might be tough in the short run but you will surely be protected and blessed.

Prayer: Father, we live in a very compromised world. A world which is filled with rewards for liars. Please help me to live a godly life and to speak and live by the truth even if it hurts. Amen.