God Is Watching Over You

But I will encamp at my temple to guard it against marauding forces.
Never again will an oppressor overrun my people, for now I am keeping watch. Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your King comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
Zechariah 9:8-9
Never again will an oppressor overrun my people, for now I am keeping watch. Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your King comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
Zechariah 9:8-9
This prophetic word referred to the future invasion of Jerusalem by Alexander and how God spared the temple and the city of Jerusalem. Those were days when a nation could be attacked, plundered and made subservient to another nation. Overnight, the fortunes of a nation could be decimated. The prophecy was also looking forward to the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem as He rode on a donkey to shouts of "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord." "Blessed is the King of Israel." Jesus was riding triumphantly as King to make a final statement of victory before going to the cross.
So, what principles can we learn from this? What does the temple mean today? What temple is God watching over? Who is the oppressor? Who are the marauding forces? Today, you and I are the Temple of the Living God. We live in Jesus and move in Jesus and have our being in Jesus. The Holy Spirit of God dwells in us. We are God's special possession! Our King, Jesus, has all power and all authority. He has already defeated Satan and His marauding forces who are on a relentless agenda to attack and destroy God's children.
Satan's marauding forces can attack us (God's temple) with all kinds of things to try to destroy our faith. They can attack us with sickness, they can attack our children, our marriages, our relationships, our finances, even our very faith in God! But Jesus rode triumphantly as King to make a final statement of victory before going to the cross. Jesus was giving us the assurance that things were going to be different under His rule and Lordship. Jesus wants us to rejoice because He was going to make a public spectacle of Satan and his forces through the shedding of His precious blood.
So, child of God: Even when things seem hopeless and uncertain, do not lose heart! God wants you to rejoice because, in the end, He always wins. God will take care of your situation. You are the temple of God. God is watching over you against the marauding forces of Satan and his demons who are seeking to override your life (God's temple). You are precious to God! You are the work of God's hands. God will never abandon you. Remind God about His promises and remind Satan of whose you are. God is watching over you. You are the temple of God.
So, what principles can we learn from this? What does the temple mean today? What temple is God watching over? Who is the oppressor? Who are the marauding forces? Today, you and I are the Temple of the Living God. We live in Jesus and move in Jesus and have our being in Jesus. The Holy Spirit of God dwells in us. We are God's special possession! Our King, Jesus, has all power and all authority. He has already defeated Satan and His marauding forces who are on a relentless agenda to attack and destroy God's children.
Satan's marauding forces can attack us (God's temple) with all kinds of things to try to destroy our faith. They can attack us with sickness, they can attack our children, our marriages, our relationships, our finances, even our very faith in God! But Jesus rode triumphantly as King to make a final statement of victory before going to the cross. Jesus was giving us the assurance that things were going to be different under His rule and Lordship. Jesus wants us to rejoice because He was going to make a public spectacle of Satan and his forces through the shedding of His precious blood.
So, child of God: Even when things seem hopeless and uncertain, do not lose heart! God wants you to rejoice because, in the end, He always wins. God will take care of your situation. You are the temple of God. God is watching over you against the marauding forces of Satan and his demons who are seeking to override your life (God's temple). You are precious to God! You are the work of God's hands. God will never abandon you. Remind God about His promises and remind Satan of whose you are. God is watching over you. You are the temple of God.
Prayer: Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For You are with me. Your rod and Your staff will always protect and comfort me. Amen.