Arise LORD and Scatter Your Enemies

The cloud of the LORD was over them by day when they set out from the camp.
Whenever the ark set out, Moses said,
"Rise up, LORD!
May your enemies be scattered; may your foes flee before you."
Whenever it came to rest, he said,
"Return, LORD to the countless thousands of Israel." Numbers 10:34-36.
This seems to be a rather curious thing that Moses did. The ark of God was always in front of the Israelites as they journeyed to the Promised Land. Without fail, Moses would ask God to scatter His enemies when they set out. When the ark came to rest where they were to camp for the day, Moses would say, "return LORD to the countless thousands of Israel."

I see this as a prayer from Moses. Moses was simply reminding God that there were hindering enemies to be encountered on the journey. He called upon God to arise, as they set out, and scatter those enemies and put them to flight. When they came to the camp where they were to rest, Moses would invite God to return to His people. It was almost as if Moses was welcoming God to His residence among His people.

Among others, I see two things to reflect over:
First, the prayer: "Rise LORD! May your enemies be scattered; may your foes flee before you," was a reminder to God that the Israelites were totally dependent upon Him to fight their battles for them. Without God's involvement, they could never defeat their enemies.
Second, "Return LORD to the countless thousands of Israel," was a prayer to honor God and welcome Him to enjoy His place among His own people. God owned Israel.

As we journey through life, we must be conscious of the fact that there are opposing forces that can only be vanquished by God Himself. We must always remind God that we are totally dependent upon Him to put our enemies to flight. God must arise and scatter the enemy! Only God can fight our battles for us. We must also consciously express our gratitude to God and make Him totally welcome in our lives by reminding Him and ourselves that we belong completely to Him.

May God arise and scatter your enemies and may you reverence Him as the true owner of your life.

Prayer: Rise up, LORD, scatter your enemies and put your foes to flight. I belong to you, so take full control and let my life praise you. I ask this in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.