Be Compassionate To The Foreigner

"When a foreigner resides among you in the land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God." Leviticus 19:33-34

Every regulation the LORD gave the Israelites to observe in the Promised Land was geared toward bringing them peace, prosperity, and blessing. This was the case with foreigners who resided among the Israelites. The LORD did not want foreigners to be discriminated against and disrespected. He reminded the Israelites not to forget that they themselves were once foreigners in Egypt. God's expectation was clear, "The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself . . ."

Foreigners are vulnerable people because they live as minorities in a strange land which they now call home. They put down roots and become part of their new homeland.  They set up home, establish businesses and raise families. They can't easily uproot their families and leave.   To them, their new home in the foreign land they now reside in is all they know. When mistreated, foreigners almost have no recourse. They become fearful and lose their sense of belonging and even dignity. Foreigners are among the most vulnerable in society.

Our compassionate God cares very deeply about the plight of the vulnerable, including the alien or foreigner. He cautioned the Israelites not to mistreat them. His words were rather forceful and direct, "When a foreigner resides among you, do not mistreat them . . . love them as yourself." God wants us to love the foreigner as ourselves.

Scripture is replete with many examples of God admonishing His people to be compassionate to the less fortunate. Jesus said, "I was hungry and you gave me food to eat. I was in prison and you visited me." I believe that every time a society shows compassion to the vulnerable, they show love to the LORD and receive untold blessings in return.
After we have prospered, it is rather easy for us not to remember our own needy and vulnerable days. Sometimes, we act as if we never had humble beginnings. We forget that "we were once foreigners in Egypt."  In the bigger scheme of things, we are all foreigners on this earth.

God certainly does not want us to forget our own vulnerable and needy days. He wants our treatment of the vulnerable to reflect the fact that we were once vulnerable ourselves.
Remembering that at all times helps us to treat the less vulnerable, including foreigners, with love and understanding. Be compassionate to the foreigner.

Prayer: LORD, please help me to show love and compassion to the vulnerable in society, including the foreigner. Amen.