The LORD Will Not Forsake You

The LORD reigns forever;
He has established his throne for judgment.
He rules the world in righteousness
And judges people with equity
The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed;
A stronghold in times of trouble.
Those who know your name trust in you;
For you, have never forsaken those who seek you…
God will never forget the needy;
The hope of the afflicted will never perish.
Psalm 9:7-18, NIV
He has established his throne for judgment.
He rules the world in righteousness
And judges people with equity
The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed;
A stronghold in times of trouble.
Those who know your name trust in you;
For you, have never forsaken those who seek you…
God will never forget the needy;
The hope of the afflicted will never perish.
Psalm 9:7-18, NIV
Listening to David pour out his heart in the Psalms is so refreshing and reassuring.
David usually talks about the power and majesty of God. He would often remind us about how fair, just and righteous God is. Against that background, he would approach God with confidence knowing that his petition would not fall on deaf ears.
So, in this Psalm, David reminds us that God rules in righteousness and judges with equity.
He reminds us that God is a refuge for the oppressed and a stronghold in times of trouble.
David gives us a very powerful assurance that God will never forsake those who know His name and trust in Him!
Knowing the name of God simply means we have a personal relationship with God. It means our lives are committed to God. It means our hope and trust is in God alone. Such persons will never be forsaken by God.
So question: Do you know the name of the LORD? Have you committed your life fully to Him? Do you trust God with all your heart?
Then be confident that the eyes of the LORD are continually upon you. Be confident that God knows the deepest cry of your heart and the deepest needs in your life. Cast your cares upon Him because He cares deeply about you. No matter what challenges you might be facing today, you can be confident of this: God will never forsake you.
David usually talks about the power and majesty of God. He would often remind us about how fair, just and righteous God is. Against that background, he would approach God with confidence knowing that his petition would not fall on deaf ears.
So, in this Psalm, David reminds us that God rules in righteousness and judges with equity.
He reminds us that God is a refuge for the oppressed and a stronghold in times of trouble.
David gives us a very powerful assurance that God will never forsake those who know His name and trust in Him!
Knowing the name of God simply means we have a personal relationship with God. It means our lives are committed to God. It means our hope and trust is in God alone. Such persons will never be forsaken by God.
So question: Do you know the name of the LORD? Have you committed your life fully to Him? Do you trust God with all your heart?
Then be confident that the eyes of the LORD are continually upon you. Be confident that God knows the deepest cry of your heart and the deepest needs in your life. Cast your cares upon Him because He cares deeply about you. No matter what challenges you might be facing today, you can be confident of this: God will never forsake you.
Prayer: Father, I know you are loving and faithful. Thank you for the assurance that you will never forsake me. Please help me to internalize this at all times so that I will live my life in perfect peace. Amen.