There are More On Your Side Than You Realize

Now the king of Aram was at war with Israel. After conferring with his officers, he said, "I will set up my camp in such and such a place."
The man of God sent word to the king of Israel: "Beware of passing that place, because the Arameans are going down there." So the king of Israel checked on the place indicated by the man of God. Time and again Elisha warned the king, so that he was on his guard in such places.
This enraged the king of Aram. He summoned his officers and demanded of them, "Tell me! Which of us is on the side of the king of Israel?"
"None of us, my lord the king," said one of his officers, "but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the very words you speak in your bedroom."
"Go, find out where he is," the king ordered, "so that I can send men and capture him." The report came back: "He is in Dothan." Then he sent horses and chariots and a strong force there. They went by night and surrounded the city.
When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. "Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?" the servant asked. "Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them." 2 Kings 6:8-16
The man of God sent word to the king of Israel: "Beware of passing that place, because the Arameans are going down there." So the king of Israel checked on the place indicated by the man of God. Time and again Elisha warned the king, so that he was on his guard in such places.
This enraged the king of Aram. He summoned his officers and demanded of them, "Tell me! Which of us is on the side of the king of Israel?"
"None of us, my lord the king," said one of his officers, "but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the very words you speak in your bedroom."
"Go, find out where he is," the king ordered, "so that I can send men and capture him." The report came back: "He is in Dothan." Then he sent horses and chariots and a strong force there. They went by night and surrounded the city.
When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. "Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?" the servant asked. "Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them." 2 Kings 6:8-16
In one of the most beloved passages of Scripture, David asserts with confidence: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." (Psalm 23:4). When he faced the giant, Goliath, he confidently told Goliath that "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty." (1 Samuel 17:45). David was a man who knew his God and the unparalleled protection accorded him by the forces of heaven regardless of what danger he faced.
The Bible declares that "the people who know their God shall be strong, and do exploits." (Daniel 11:32 KJV). Elisha's servant obviously did not know God as well as Elisha did so he panicked when he saw the invading forces of the Aramean king. But Elisha, like David, was unperturbed because he knew that he served the "LORD of Hosts" -- the God of the countless numbers of heavenly angels! He was confident that the forces of the Arameans were no match whatsoever for the uncountable forces of heaven. That is why he confidently declared: "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them."
The apostle Paul reminds us in one of his writings that everything written in the old testament is meant to serve as an example for us today. God has not changed. His dealings and works have not changed. His power has not changed and neither has the dealings and works of Satan and his forces. Our adversary the Devil is on a continual quest to attack and destroy God's children with his demonic forces, just like the forces of Aram. But we don't have to live in fear and we don't have to panic because the forces of Heaven working to protect us are more than the forces of darkness that are seeking to destroy us! We are more than conquerors!
Child of God, never live in fear of the Enemy. Tell yourself everyday that they that are for you are more than they that are against you. You are covered by the Blood of Jesus, protected by the angels of Heaven, and directed by the Spirit of God. Walk in confidence and never in fear!
The Bible declares that "the people who know their God shall be strong, and do exploits." (Daniel 11:32 KJV). Elisha's servant obviously did not know God as well as Elisha did so he panicked when he saw the invading forces of the Aramean king. But Elisha, like David, was unperturbed because he knew that he served the "LORD of Hosts" -- the God of the countless numbers of heavenly angels! He was confident that the forces of the Arameans were no match whatsoever for the uncountable forces of heaven. That is why he confidently declared: "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them."
The apostle Paul reminds us in one of his writings that everything written in the old testament is meant to serve as an example for us today. God has not changed. His dealings and works have not changed. His power has not changed and neither has the dealings and works of Satan and his forces. Our adversary the Devil is on a continual quest to attack and destroy God's children with his demonic forces, just like the forces of Aram. But we don't have to live in fear and we don't have to panic because the forces of Heaven working to protect us are more than the forces of darkness that are seeking to destroy us! We are more than conquerors!
Child of God, never live in fear of the Enemy. Tell yourself everyday that they that are for you are more than they that are against you. You are covered by the Blood of Jesus, protected by the angels of Heaven, and directed by the Spirit of God. Walk in confidence and never in fear!
Prayer: Father, I thank you that the protection I have in you is far greater than any opposing forces the Enemy could ever muster. Amen!