Waiting In Prayer For the Promise

Then the apostles returned to Jerusalem from the hill called the Mount of Olives, a sabbath day’s walk from the city.
When they arrived, they went upstairs to the room where they were staying...They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus (Acts 1:12-14).

Before Jesus ascended to heaven, he instructed His disciples not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for the “promised” Holy Spirit.
In total obedience the disciples gathered together in the “Upper Room” to wait in prayer.
It is interesting that Jesus only promised that the Holy Spirit would come but He did not promise when or how soon the promise would be fulfilled. The disciples simply had to wait for however long it was going to take. They ended up waiting for several days in prayer before the Holy Spirit came upon them.

There is a saying that “anything worthwhile is worth waiting for.” Waiting in prayer for the fulfillment of a divine promise is never an easy task. Prayer is hard work. We see this all through the Bible. Elijah prayed passionately on Mount Carmel perhaps for hours before the rains came. He had to send his servant back seven times to see if the rain clouds were forming.
In Isaiah 62, God Himself enjoins those who call on the LORD to “give yourselves no rest and give Him no rest until He establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.”
In Colossians, Paul writes about Epaphras: “...He is always wrestling in prayer for you...I vouch for him that he is working hard for you.”
If we are to receive the promises of God, we must be prepared to work hard in prayer because prayer is hard work!

These are days when we are encumbered with all kinds of demands on our time, making it difficult and even undesirable to “wrestle hard” in prayer. But the truth is: We cannot receive much if we are unwilling to bend our knees for long hours of prayer.
Do you really want God to meet a need in your life or His Kingdom?
Then be prepared to work hard and sacrificially in prayer.

Prayer: LORD, I know that you are seated on the right hand of our Father interceding for me in prayer. Please help me not to grow weary but to be constantly enthusiastic as I wait on you.
I ask this in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.