Be Strong and Courageous

No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you...Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them...Be strong and very courageous…(Joshua 1:5-7).
For forty years, Joshua served as Moses ' aide. Joshua was trained and handpicked by God to succeed Moses. When time came for Joshua to take over the mantle of leadership, God gave him the full assurance that He would be with him as he was with Moses. The Divine Presence was assured.
Nonetheless, God understood Joshua 's humanity. God knew that in spite of the Divine Presence, Joshua could be susceptible to fear. Joshua was human. The battles involved to possess the Promised Land could unnerve him. Fear could cause Joshua to give up. So God said repeatedly to Joshua, "Be courageous, don 't be afraid, I am with you."
Listen: God understands our fears. God knows that there are times when we feel overwhelmed and afraid because of the battles we face in life. God is saying to you today: "Be strong and courageous. Don 't be afraid. Press on to accomplish what I have put on your heart." Be strong and courageous because God is with you.
Nonetheless, God understood Joshua 's humanity. God knew that in spite of the Divine Presence, Joshua could be susceptible to fear. Joshua was human. The battles involved to possess the Promised Land could unnerve him. Fear could cause Joshua to give up. So God said repeatedly to Joshua, "Be courageous, don 't be afraid, I am with you."
Listen: God understands our fears. God knows that there are times when we feel overwhelmed and afraid because of the battles we face in life. God is saying to you today: "Be strong and courageous. Don 't be afraid. Press on to accomplish what I have put on your heart." Be strong and courageous because God is with you.
Prayer: Lord, I thank you for your presence with me today. Thank you for the assurance that there is no need for me to be afraid. I cast all my cares and fears on you.
I will be strong and courageous.