Be In Awe Of God

But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the Living God . . .  You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly . . .  You have come to God, the Judge of all . . . to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant . . .  See to it that you do not refuse Him who speaks.
If they did not escape when they refused Him who warned them on earth, how much less will we, if we turn away from Him who warns us from heaven?
. . . Therefore, since we are receiving a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire." (Hebrews 12:22-29.

We are very privileged to be members of God's family, the Church. Positionally, we are in a gathering of countless saints in Heaven and earth, and in the presence of a Holy and Righteous Judge and of Jesus who shed His blood to save us.

The question is: "Do we really understand what it means to be part of the family of this Holy God who is the Judge of all?" Do we really listen when He speaks? The writer of Hebrews is reminding us of the consequences of taking God for granted and rejecting what He says to us.
He admonishes us to develop a spirit of gratitude and to worship God with reverence and awe because our God is a consuming fire.

Until we understand the holiness of God, we can never "worship God acceptably with reverence and awe."
We must never take the Holiness of God for granted. We must have proper reverence for God.
In word, thought and deed, let's be in awe of God; for our God is loving and gracious but He is also a "Consuming Fire."

Father, please help me never to take my relationship with you for granted. Like the prophet Isaiah, help me to understand that you are high, mighty and exalted. Help me to understand your holiness so that I will worship  you with acceptable reverence and awe.