Ten Steps To The Good Life

- You shall have no other gods before me.
- You shall not make for yourself an image . . . [to] bow down to . . . or worship.
- You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
- Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
- Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land . . .
- You shall not murder.
- You shall not commit adultery.
- You shall not steal.
- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
- You shall not covet your neighbor's house . . . wife, servant . . . nor anything that is your neighbor's. Exodus 20:3-17 (NIV/KJV)
These are the Ten Commandments God gave Israel to serve as the foundation for cohesive social behavior and peaceful existence. These are the Ten Steps to a good life.
Can you imagine what the state of society will be like:
If we all believed in and honored the only true God who created humanity.
If we did not worship the false gods of self, money, personalities, sex, sports, power, etc.
If we feared God, kept our word, and did not use God's name in vain but used it reverentially.
If we honored the LORD's day and focused on worshipping him and not pursuing money.
If we honored our parents and our children honored us sincerely . . . so all goes well.
If we valued human life enough not to kill for money, greed, and self-preservation.
If all spouses were faithful and grateful for their husbands and wives.
If there was no stealing from government resources or from one another.
If we all spoke the truth and false charges were not part of the justice system.
If we were all content with our lots and did not covet anything belonging to anyone.
Yes, I can imagine it:
Our homes, communities, society, and world would certainly be a much healthier, more peaceful and enjoyable place to be! Fear and stress, with its attendant sicknesses and diseases, would probably be non-existent. There would certainly be a lot of joy, happiness, and trust.
No wonder Satan fights so hard to keep us from upholding these most essential steps to the good life. These basic divine stipulations for social well-being have been thrown out of the public arena and the result has become too ghastly to contemplate.
But how about if we, as children of God, held unto these values in our homes and churches?
Think about it. Life would really be stress-free and very enjoyable. Ten steps to a good life.
Can you imagine what the state of society will be like:
If we all believed in and honored the only true God who created humanity.
If we did not worship the false gods of self, money, personalities, sex, sports, power, etc.
If we feared God, kept our word, and did not use God's name in vain but used it reverentially.
If we honored the LORD's day and focused on worshipping him and not pursuing money.
If we honored our parents and our children honored us sincerely . . . so all goes well.
If we valued human life enough not to kill for money, greed, and self-preservation.
If all spouses were faithful and grateful for their husbands and wives.
If there was no stealing from government resources or from one another.
If we all spoke the truth and false charges were not part of the justice system.
If we were all content with our lots and did not covet anything belonging to anyone.
Yes, I can imagine it:
Our homes, communities, society, and world would certainly be a much healthier, more peaceful and enjoyable place to be! Fear and stress, with its attendant sicknesses and diseases, would probably be non-existent. There would certainly be a lot of joy, happiness, and trust.
No wonder Satan fights so hard to keep us from upholding these most essential steps to the good life. These basic divine stipulations for social well-being have been thrown out of the public arena and the result has become too ghastly to contemplate.
But how about if we, as children of God, held unto these values in our homes and churches?
Think about it. Life would really be stress-free and very enjoyable. Ten steps to a good life.
Prayer: Father, you have a reason for these important commandments. Please help me to live by them so that my life would be peaceful and enjoyable. Amen.