You Can Ask God For A Difficult Thing

When the LORD was about to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind, Elijah and Elisha were traveling from Gilgal.
And Elijah said to Elisha, "Stay here, for the LORD has told me to go to Bethel."
But Elisha replied, "As surely as the LORD lives and you yourself live, I will never leave you!" So they went down together to Bethel. The group of prophets from Bethel came to Elisha and asked him, "Did you know that the LORD is going to take your master away from you today?" "Of course I know," Elisha answered. "But be quiet about it."
Then Elijah said to Elisha, "Stay here, for the LORD has told me to go to Jericho." But Elisha replied again, "As surely as the LORD lives and you yourself live, I will never leave you." So they went on together to Jericho.
. . . Then Elijah said to Elisha, "Stay here for the LORD has told me to go to the Jordan River." But again Elisha replied, "As surely as the LORD lives and you yourself live, I will never leave you." So they went together . . . Elijah and Elisha stopped beside the Jordan River. Then Elijah folded his cloak together and struck the river with it. The river divided, and the two of them went across on dry ground!
When they came to the other side, Elijah said to Elisha, "Tell me what I can do for you before I am taken away."
And Elisha replied, "Please let me inherit a double portion of your spirit and become your successor." "You have asked a difficult thing," Elijah replied, "If you see me when I am taken from you, then you will get your request. But if not, you won't." 2 Kings 2:1-10 (NLT)
And Elijah said to Elisha, "Stay here, for the LORD has told me to go to Bethel."
But Elisha replied, "As surely as the LORD lives and you yourself live, I will never leave you!" So they went down together to Bethel. The group of prophets from Bethel came to Elisha and asked him, "Did you know that the LORD is going to take your master away from you today?" "Of course I know," Elisha answered. "But be quiet about it."
Then Elijah said to Elisha, "Stay here, for the LORD has told me to go to Jericho." But Elisha replied again, "As surely as the LORD lives and you yourself live, I will never leave you." So they went on together to Jericho.
. . . Then Elijah said to Elisha, "Stay here for the LORD has told me to go to the Jordan River." But again Elisha replied, "As surely as the LORD lives and you yourself live, I will never leave you." So they went together . . . Elijah and Elisha stopped beside the Jordan River. Then Elijah folded his cloak together and struck the river with it. The river divided, and the two of them went across on dry ground!
When they came to the other side, Elijah said to Elisha, "Tell me what I can do for you before I am taken away."
And Elisha replied, "Please let me inherit a double portion of your spirit and become your successor." "You have asked a difficult thing," Elijah replied, "If you see me when I am taken from you, then you will get your request. But if not, you won't." 2 Kings 2:1-10 (NLT)
Elijah was about to be taken to Heaven and Elisha was traveling around with him for the last time. Elijah did everything to separate himself from Elisha but Elisha would have none of it. He was simply determined to stick with Elijah, no matter what happened. Elisha had a request in mind which he was determined to make of Elijah.
Elisha's request was two-fold:
First: He wanted to be Elijah's successor.
Second: He wanted to inherit a double portion of the spirit that was at work in Elijah. Elisha knew that succeeding Elijah meant he was going to be God's spokesman for the nation. It entailed a lot of spiritual battles and outright fortitude in light of the godlessness that had engulfed the nation because the kings of Israel had turned the nation away from God.
Succeeding Elijah without the same powerful spirit to operate through him would make it impossible to rise up to the demands of the prophetic office he was aspiring to. So Elisha asked for a double portion of the spirit that was at work in Elijah to be granted to him as well.
Elijah made it clear that it was a rather difficult request. Nonetheless, if Elisha saw Elijah when he was being taken away, then he would receive his request; if not, then it he won't.
A valuable lesson to note:
Things that are precious and difficult to get do not drop into our laps from heaven. We must be hungry enough to focus our entire energies and efforts on receiving them. If we sincerely desire something from God, we must show through our focused determination that we will do whatever it takes to receive those requests. Our seriousness is a message to God about the value we place on our requests. Are you asking God for a hard thing? Then show by your focus and concentration that you are ready for it. Your focus and hunger shows your readiness.
Elisha's request was two-fold:
First: He wanted to be Elijah's successor.
Second: He wanted to inherit a double portion of the spirit that was at work in Elijah. Elisha knew that succeeding Elijah meant he was going to be God's spokesman for the nation. It entailed a lot of spiritual battles and outright fortitude in light of the godlessness that had engulfed the nation because the kings of Israel had turned the nation away from God.
Succeeding Elijah without the same powerful spirit to operate through him would make it impossible to rise up to the demands of the prophetic office he was aspiring to. So Elisha asked for a double portion of the spirit that was at work in Elijah to be granted to him as well.
Elijah made it clear that it was a rather difficult request. Nonetheless, if Elisha saw Elijah when he was being taken away, then he would receive his request; if not, then it he won't.
A valuable lesson to note:
Things that are precious and difficult to get do not drop into our laps from heaven. We must be hungry enough to focus our entire energies and efforts on receiving them. If we sincerely desire something from God, we must show through our focused determination that we will do whatever it takes to receive those requests. Our seriousness is a message to God about the value we place on our requests. Are you asking God for a hard thing? Then show by your focus and concentration that you are ready for it. Your focus and hunger shows your readiness.
Prayer: Father, I thank you for the many opportunities I have to be used by you. Please help me to receive all you have for me so that I can be all you want me to be. Amen.